So many of you I know are curious as to my decision as to why i went under the knife! Well here it is!
For the last 6 years or so I have been wanting a boob job, but my reasons at the time came from insecurities and the pressure to look a certain way. Well at the time I had a lot of debt and negative intentions on the matter. My reason wasn’t all negative at the time! I do Love boobs! I am built very broad through my shoulders and rib cage (maybe some of you have noticed my ribs poke outward in my photos, because my body is just deigned this way) I also have smaller waist and wide hips. You would call me an hour glass shape! Having small boobs made me look more boyish and i struggled with that for years, pretty much in silence! Not a lot of people knew this.
As most woman when we loose weight we loose it in our breast, some are just blessed and will always have more boobs then the next girl! Well i fluctuated a lot over the years in my weight, my boobs were bigger then smaller, bigger then smaller. During this time I learned a lot about myself and what really bothered me and what i SHOULDN’T let bother me. So that 6 years ago i made a promise to myself, NO BOOBS until debt is paid off and I learn to be happy and comfortable with my small breast! Then I would decide if i really still wanted them.
Well about 2 years ago, I got serious in my fitness journey, i even competed in bikini natural, started my modeling career natural. PRETTY MUCH STARTED MY CAREER NATURAL! See you don’t have to have a boob job to make it. I see so many beautiful girls natural or not and have a great career!
So as i promised myself I paid off all my debt and I didn’t look at my small boobs the same way ((negative) any more. I pranced around with plenty of girls with their boobs done and it didn’t faze me one bit! I have come so far physically to and I LOVE where my body is at now. Yes I sacrificed a lot of boob fat, and those padded bras worked wonders for me for years! Then One day I was sitting there thinking about the whole boob job again! Thats when i started doing all my own research, talking to other girls, doctors everything i could do to understand this whole thing more! I didn’t mention it to anyone, because i wanted to be 100% sure before i announced it! Yes I did pay my debt off and I now that i was comfortable, I decided I want to reward myself!
The first person I sat down with to talk to about my decision was my man of 7 years. I asked his opinion on what I wanted to do. The only thing he said was “I want you to do what you want to do because it makes you happy. Don’t make the decision because ME or anyone else tells you what do to. Do what makes you happy!”
So that next week we went to my consult together! The Dr, the experience was amazing!! Kenneth Sumida in Folsom if your interested! I know a lot of you have asked!
I didn’t advertise it on social media or even to friends and family “guess what guys I’m getting my boobs done!” The reason? Because I was doing this for me, not anyone else. I didn’t want everyones opinions because every opinion would be based of there own beliefs. I wasn’t making this decision to satisfy every person around me. THIS WAS FOR ME! AND IF I AM HAPPY WITH IT, thats all that matters. I have had plenty of negative back lash from everyone on my decsion and plenty positive! But none of it makes me regret or feel guilty. Why? Because I did this for me and me only!
I went 720cc high profile, under the muscle, thru the nipple! Now this size doesn’t work for everyone! It worked or me because (going back to the way I’m built) I was able to get away with that size and it fit to my frame!
So many ask how I started working out so fast! Honestly I didn’t, I just was prepared and didn’t want to leave you guys hanging on my IG! hehe sneaky!
Ten days before my surgery I stopped all supplements. I even stopped training to. Let my body rest. I made sure my diet was on point the whole time! I didn’t starve myself thinking i would gain weight because i was in recovery! Thats the worst mistake you could make! Your body needs food and water to heal and recover, you deprive it of that, recovery takes longer. Which means no gym for even longer then intended!
The first week I did nothing!! I can’t tell you how many movies i watched! I made sure i ate a high protein and fat diet and yes i still ate carbs! Kept it more at a maintenance/no exercises serving instead of my usual 250g! I had designed my own diet plan for when i was in recovery, so you can research yourself or have someone make it for you! I also stayed hydrated! I was on pain meds and muscle relaxers for about 4 days then i stopped! I hadn’t taken any pain meds not even advil for at least 6 years. I prefer not to in general so when i needed them for this they worked very well! But as soon as I didn’t need them i stopped!
My pain through recovery wasn’t as bad as I thought, but every ones experience will be different! After a week i went to my first post op and My Dr was impressed at how fast i was healing! He cleared me to go back to anything except, swimming, high intensity cardio exercises(bouncing) or weights up top!
So the 2nd week I stuck with body weight exercises, light cardio and lots of stretching! I used resistance bands for upper body to help with stretching, almost like physical therapy! Continued this and staying hydrated, getting rest and keeping my diet on point!
My 3rd post op( 5 weeks post op), Dr was so impressed at my recovery! He said i was cleared to go back to everything i wanted!
I still played it safe, kept very light weight and have been working back to my regular routine. I am 13 weeks post op and am pretty much back to my norma routine! I can still do everything i did before boobs, i just gauge it! Still feels weird doing some exercises though! HAHA anyone with boobs knows what i am talking about!
Now Im not telling you to get your boobs done, If you truly love how you are rock it then! If you love boobs and want them, get them! You decided whats best for you and what you love!
Going back to my promise, I made myself wait to get boobs until i was truly comfortable with the small boobs. Now that i had overcome that, i got them done on good intentions so therefore I am TRULY satisfied. I don’t feel like i tried to fix something off a negative emotion that would have left me still feeling empty. Don’t do something because you think it will make you feel better, or fit in. Search yourself first and understand why you feel the way you do, fix it within and if you still want something after then go for it! Make a decision because you truly have passion and love for it.
So many of you I know are curious as to my decision as to why i went under the knife! Well here it is!
For the last 6 years or so I have been wanting a boob job, but my reasons at the time came from insecurities and the pressure to look a certain way. Well at the time I had a lot of debt and negative intentions on the matter. My reason wasn’t all negative at the time! I do Love boobs! I am built very broad through my shoulders and rib cage (maybe some of you have noticed my ribs poke outward in my photos, because my body is just deigned this way) I also have smaller waist and wide hips. You would call me an hour glass shape! Having small boobs made me look more boyish and i struggled with that for years, pretty much in silence! Not a lot of people knew this.
As most woman when we loose weight we loose it in our breast, some are just blessed and will always have more boobs then the next girl! Well i fluctuated a lot over the years in my weight, my boobs were bigger then smaller, bigger then smaller. During this time I learned a lot about myself and what really bothered me and what i SHOULDN’T let bother me. So that 6 years ago i made a promise to myself, NO BOOBS until debt is paid off and I learn to be happy and comfortable with my small breast! Then I would decide if i really still wanted them.
Well about 2 years ago, I got serious in my fitness journey, i even competed in bikini natural, started my modeling career natural. PRETTY MUCH STARTED MY CAREER NATURAL! See you don’t have to have a boob job to make it. I see so many beautiful girls natural or not and have a great career!
So as i promised myself I paid off all my debt and I didn’t look at my small boobs the same way ((negative) any more. I pranced around with plenty of girls with their boobs done and it didn’t faze me one bit! I have come so far physically to and I LOVE where my body is at now. Yes I sacrificed a lot of boob fat, and those padded bras worked wonders for me for years! Then One day I was sitting there thinking about the whole boob job again! Thats when i started doing all my own research, talking to other girls, doctors everything i could do to understand this whole thing more! I didn’t mention it to anyone, because i wanted to be 100% sure before i announced it! Yes I did pay my debt off and I was comfortable, now I decided I want to reward myself! And Was more then excited to have boobs to play with and no more padding 😉
The first person I sat down with to talk about my decision was my man of 7 years. I asked his opinion on what I wanted to do. The only thing he said was “I want you to do what you want to do because it makes you happy. Don’t make the decision because ME or anyone else tells you what do to. Do what makes you happy!”
So that next week we went to my consult together! The Dr, the experience was amazing!! Kenneth Sumida in Folsom if your interested! I know a lot of you have asked!
I didn’t advertise it on social media or even to friends and family “guess what guys I’m getting my boobs done!” The reason? Because I was doing this for me, not anyone else. I didn’t want everyones opinions because every opinion would be based of there own beliefs. I wasn’t making this decision to satisfy every person around me. THIS WAS FOR ME! AND IF I AM HAPPY WITH IT, thats all that matters. I have had plenty of negative back lash from everyone on my decsion and plenty positive! But none of it makes me regret or feel guilty. Why? Because I did this for me and me only!
I went 720cc high profile, under the muscle, thru the nipple! Now this size doesn’t work for everyone! It worked or me because (going back to the way I’m built) I was able to get away with that size and it fit to my frame!
So many ask how I started working out so fast! Honestly I didn’t, I just was prepared and didn’t want to leave you guys hanging on my IG! hehe sneaky!
Ten days before my surgery I stopped all supplements. I even stopped training to. Let my body rest. I made sure my diet was on point the whole time! I didn’t starve myself thinking i would gain weight because i was in recovery! Thats the worst mistake you could make! Your body needs food and water to heal and recover, you deprive it of that, recovery takes longer. Which means no gym for even longer then intended!
The first week I did nothing!! I can’t tell you how many movies i watched! I made sure i ate a high protein and fat diet and yes i still ate carbs! Kept it more at a maintenance/no exercises serving instead of my usual 250g! I had designed my own diet plan for when i was in recovery, so you can research yourself or have someone make it for you! I also stayed hydrated! I was on pain meds and muscle relaxers for about 4 days then i stopped! I hadn’t taken any pain meds not even advil for at least 6 years. I prefer not to in general so when i needed them for this they worked very well! But as soon as I didn’t need them i stopped!
My pain through recovery wasn’t as bad as I thought, but every ones experience will be different! After a week i went to my first post op and My Dr was impressed at how fast i was healing! He cleared me to go back to anything except, swimming, high intensity cardio exercises(bouncing) or weights up top!
So the 2nd week I stuck with body weight exercises, light cardio and lots of stretching! I used resistance bands for upper body to help with stretching, almost like physical therapy! Continued this and staying hydrated, getting rest and keeping my diet on point!
My 3rd post op( 5 weeks post op), Dr was so impressed at my recovery! He said i was cleared to go back to everything i wanted!
I still played it safe, kept very light weight and have been working back to my regular routine. I am 13 weeks post op and am pretty much back to my norma routine! I can still do everything i did before boobs, i just gauge it! Still feels weird doing some exercises though! HAHA anyone with boobs knows what i am talking about!
Now Im not telling you to get your boobs done, If you truly love how you are rock it then! If you love boobs and want them, get them! You decided whats best for you and what you love!
Going back to my promise, I made myself wait to get boobs until i was truly comfortable with the small boobs. Now that i had overcome that, i got them done on good intentions so therefore I am TRULY satisfied. I don’t feel like i tried to fix something off a negative emotion that would have left me still feeling empty. Don’t do something because you think it will make you feel better, or fit in. Search yourself first and understand why you feel the way you do, fix it within and if you still want something after then go for it! Make a decision because you truly have passion and love for it.